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Foil Stickers
foil stickers Give your stickers the first class treatment with foil printing
Choose between silver and gold in super shiny chrome or smooth satin to elevate your product labels, logos, price stickers…anything that could use an extra touch of pizazz. Show the world you mean business with custom foil stickers. Works especially beautifully with candle labels, stationery stickers, company logos, or just adding a fun pop to your packaging. Foil label printing is a super affordable way to bring a premium look to well, basically anything! Experiment with foil lettering, highlights or borders on a coloured background or on top of artwork, or go all out with a fully metallic label, the choice is yours with our fully custom sticker printing.
How does it work?
When it comes to foil sticker printing, we can print two different ways, depending on the finish you’re after. When ink (black or coloured) is printed on shiny, metallic silver or gold foil, it’s slightly translucent and therefore adopts the metallic nature of the foil. Alternatively, to print, for example, metallic gold lettering, and have it appear against a non metallic background, (let’s say white), we simply use white opaque ink to blot out the metallic areas that are not required, leaving the lettering to appear as gold against a non–metallic white background.
Get ready to stick ‘em up
You’ll find our snazzy custom foil stickers in both our classic and premium ranges. Go classic for a satin finish or premium for shiny chrome. Our easy–to–use online system makes it straightforward to order and you can choose your custom options along the way. There’s also a handy cost calculator that updates throughout this process. Our stickers are priced per–square–mm, and your final, full and transparent cost is displayed at the end. We ship worldwide, quickly and in style! If you want to discuss your artwork before ordering, just get in touch.