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Your Bag

Your Bag


£{ customerBasket | calculateTotal } Estimated Total

Sorry, there are no items in your basket

    • { }

    • 1 { lineitem.shape }

    • 2 { lineitem.size.diameter }mm

      2 { lineitem.size.width }mm x { lineitem.size.height }mm

      2 { lineitem.size.width }mm x { lineitem.size.height }mm

      2 { lineitem.size.dimensions }

    • 3 { lineitem.material | progress }

    • 4 { lineitem.finish_1 | progress }

    • 5 { lineitem.finish_2 | progress }{ lineitem.adhesive | progress } { lineitem.colour | progress }

    • + { lineitem.corners.size }mm Rounded Corners

    • + { lineitem.lamination.type } Lamination

    • + Supplied as { lineitem.supplied }

    x { lineitem.sorts } versions

    £{ }

Subtotal £{ customerBasket | calculateTotal 'subTotal' }

VAT £{ customerBasket | calculateTotal 'justVat' }

Delivery TBC

Discount £{ customerBasket | calculateTotal 'justDiscount' }

Checkout £{ customerBasket | calculateTotal }

£{ }

What diameter is the label in mm?

What dimensions in mm would you like your label to be?

What corner radius to you require?

How many do you want?